As part of my commitment to writing more, I'm publishing some of my notes that I think could be of interest to others.
Naturally, all of my notes present my personal opinions - they don't reflect the views of anyone else (employers, associates, etc.).
I take notes using [Obsidian](, and this site is built with [Obsidian Publish]( To navigate, if you're on desktop:
- My notes can be found & searched on the bottom left
- You can toggle between light and dark mode on the top left
- The 'network' of pages that are linked to the current page can be navigated in the top right
- The outline of the current page is on the bottom right
- Most links (to internal pages) can be hovered over for a Wikipedia-style preview
Most pages will be marked with:
| Item | Meaning |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| created | When I first created the page (not necessarily when it was first published). Gives an idea of how long something's been cooking. |
| modified | Last modified date. Indicates how (up-to \| out-of)-date the ideas/takes are. |
| status | How 'complete' the page is. Goes from a % draft$^*$ to final. |
| epistemics | How confident I am in the content (however polished its presentation). Percentage confidence is indicative, not scientific (unless otherwise stated). |
$^*$ The percentage represents completeness or quality, so a 10% draft should be taken with a pinch of salt, while an 80% draft should be a fair representation of my take.
**Me, elsewhere**
- (takes parameters - try it [like so](